Our Services

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Electrolysis Hair Removal

Electrolysis Hair Removal

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Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Skin care
Skin Care Clinic

Skin Care Clinic

Transgender Electrolysis Specialist

Transgender Electrolysis Specialist

    Ann's Gentle Touch Electrolysis Frederick MD was established in Frederick, MD in 1996. Electrolysis hair removal is a permanent solution to unwanted hair on your face or body.

    Laser skin rejuvenation is one of our most popular services, and it can reduce the effects of aging. Call today to set up an appointment at our skin care clinic or schedule a free phone consultation!

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We offer: Laser hair removal, Vi peel, Lip filler, Anti-aging, Juvederm, Versa plus, Radiesse IPL, Pigmentation removal, and Electrolysis Treatment.


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